Friday, May 9

Freedom Friday

One of my friends wrote a great Freedom Friday post back in March that I've been meaning to highlight. She's the mom to four kids and waiting on her fifth to arrive from China. Maybe it's because she's a mom or maybe because she was reflecting on how different her daughter's life is in China right now, but she wrote a great post on her family's favorite freedoms.

The freedom to grow our family. As a pre-adopting mom of a little girl from China, this is especially important to me. We have the freedom to have as many or as few children as we desire or as the Lord gives us. We are free to add these blessings to our live through birth or adoption. We even receive benefits and breaks from our government in recognition of the effort and expense that children incur.

Read the rest over at The Gang's All Here. And let us know what your family's favorite freedoms are this week for Freedom Friday.


The Gang's Momma! said...

Wow! Thanks so much for the shout out. I appreciate it and your kind words about me also. I must have been on quite a roll that day - I choked myself up just now, re-reading it! ;)

Shauna said...

Congrats on being paper pregnant! It's more red tape, but less morning sickess. :) My youngest is from Guatemala, my sister is from China and I have 2 cousins from Korea. Every year we all get together and call ourselves the multi-culti gang.

mommapolitico said...

Oops! I guess I got trigger happy on that sorry!


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