Wednesday, June 18

Michelle Obama on 'The View'

I didn't get a chance to watch Michelle Obama on The View this morning but I just watched some of it on YouTube and I'm pleased to say she answered the "bump" question in the first two minutes with this quote:

"It has become my signature bump, but I'm not that hip. I got it from the young staff."
I have to admit I feel a little vindicated :)

Then they discussed The New York Times article that I just wrote about in the prior post. Good stuff.


Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

What a smart way to defuse racial connotations or issues raised with the bump. She even avoids attaching a gender to their aides.

"the young staff."

I guess age discrimination peoples might still have an objection, but pretty dang savvy. I'm guessing she worked on that phrasing for a couple minutes.

Wonder Woman said...

Thank you so much for posting this video. I missed the show - completely forgot about it - and was disappointed when I realized I missed her on the View. I'm not sure how I feel about her husband as our President, but I really like Michelle.

And I love this blog! Just found it a few days ago, and it's perfect for me. Thanks again!

Kelli said...



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